
Immediately a discount on your E-ticket? Then become a subscriber! Click here >>

Important information:

As a subscriber you will receive a significant discount on your ticket… After registration you will quickly receive your personal account number with which you can order an E-ticket with discount.

Have your E-ticket scanned at the information desk, receive your entrance bracelet and you have direct access to the fair at the applicable entrance time. See entrance times here.

The transaction costs depend on the chosen payment method.


Explanation for subscribers:

To get a discount on your e-ticket, fill in the following in the order form under ‘Relation number’:

For the Netherlands:

Enter your customer / member number (first 4 digits, add a 0 in front when 3 digits) then a space, then your postcode with space between the numbers and letter.

For example: 1021 1333 TN

For abroad:

Your customer/relationship number, then a space, then your zip code with a dash together.

For example:

Belgium: 2030 B-0660

Germany: 0001 D-35638

France: 0001 F-92171

UK: 0001 0001 GG00 4HN

Poland: 0001 PL-57-500

Note! if you forget a capital letter, space or dash, it will not work.